Bot Chat Configuration

The command system allows you to add typical bot / user interactions. A viewer writes e.g: !123 and the bot replies with a text set by you. The answer can also be made by Whisper. The command to the bot can also be made by Whisper.
On the right side you can choose whether the answers are made by whispering or in chat.
Directly below you can adjust your bot chat color. Stick to the colors available free, or buy Twitch Turbo.
You can also enable / disable the chat log and you can decide if you want to log the bot chat.
If the short URL feature causes problems, or you just do not like it, you can disable it here. Your viewer will then get the full profile URL per whisper and not the short URL.
Snip is a free tool that writes the name of the currently playing music to a text file. This text file can be selected via the Snip File button. The command !song can be changed in the Language Configuration under ChatSnipSongCommand. The bot can remember the song before. If you do not want to, you can remove the Language Configuration entry ChatSnipLastSong.